CHEST is the official publication of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP). Each month, it features cutting edge original research in the multidisciplinary specialties of chest medicine, such as pulmonology, critical care, sleep medicine, cardiorespiratory interactions, thoracic surgery, transplantation, airways disease, and more. CHEST also features Recent Advances in Chest Medicine, Topics in Practice Management, Pulmonary and Critical Care Pearls, Chest Imaging and Pathology for Clinicians, Contemporary Reviews, and much, much more. Editorials, Point/Counterpoint debates, and communications to the editor explore controversial issues and encourage further discussion among by physicians dealing with chest medicine. Users can listen to monthly podcast discussions of articles and access CHEST via mobile devices. More than 30,000 readers worldwide turn to CHEST in print and 400,000 people view CHEST online each month for the latest in chest-related medicine.
ISSN:0012-3692出版商:AMER COLL CHEST PHYS影响因子:5.25每年出版:12 期
More infor about CHEST:http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/site/misc/about.xhtml